Hi guys! Most of you who follow/ read this blog know that this has become a space where I chronicle the fun things I do and discover– in between my deadlines! At the same time, I also wanted it to be a platform to serve a bigger purpose. I recently put up an events platform under it called Cross Cultures by Cheryl Tiu. It was founded on the premise that food is one of the most accessible ways of exchanging cultures. Through the sharing of culinary experiences and talents between chefs and cooks, between countries and continents, I hope to dispel misconceptions and remove boundaries, and rather integrate and contribute in building a more global community.
Our first dinner event is happening this September 18, 2015. I visited Ethiopia for the first time last June and fell in love with the country and its people. Unfortunately though, a lot of people still think that it’s a poor country and plagued by famine. On the contrary, it has one of the fastest growing economies today, and not only is there food, but the cuisine is so delicious— and not at all available here in the Philippines! So for one night only, we are collaborating with Eat Ethio, an Ethiopian food movement by Helina Tesega that provides a modern insight into the food, coffee, designs, music and culture of Ethiopia—to create a special, memorable experience for Filipinos.
Look forward to some injera (sourdough risen flatbread made from teff), beef kitfo (Ethiopian steak tartare), doro wot (spicy Ethiopian chicken stew) and lots more. It’s a steal at P2,500+ for a 5-course menu including wines! We will also be introducing Marula Oil from South Africa (the new “it” oil and wonder product favored by Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Allure, etc.) before it hits the stores next month.
And PS Did you read that article on South China Morning Post: “Gan bei! Chinese woman chugs US$200 bottle of cognac at baggage check after security officers refuse to let her take it on plane”? Well we will be serving that “expensive” Remy Martin XO cognac that evening as well.. just try not to down the whole bottle! 😉
For reservations, contact Gallery Vask at +639175461673 or email crossculturesbycheryltiu@gmail.com. See you there!xx