Hi guys! I’m a little late in the game but after much coaxing and coercing, I *FINALLY* have a Facebook page! I thought that having Instagram (@chertiu) and Twitter (@cheryltiu) were fine but my friends (special mentions to Chad Gelano, Krissy Jesudason and Victoria Cheng) repeatedly said– “NO, YOU NEED A FACEBOOK PAGE!!!”
I’ve also received really sweet messages asking if I could activate my “Follow” button on my Facebook account, and also from people who came across my personal account, and said that my adventures and zest for life put smiles on their faces. So yes, those were the tipping point, and so here I am! It’s less than 24 hours old so please do “like” (if you do- no pressure! ;)) and spread the love! <3 Thank you so much in advance! xx
Click here for the link 🙂
PS This is different from the Cheryl Tiu “Interest” page that Facebook also recently created as I have no control over that– but you are still free to “like” it (if you are “interest”-ed in me, haha!) Thank youuu and Happy Sunday!! <3